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What's Next Reunion Community Survey

Oakwood Homes wants your opinions on the future of Reunion and the types of things you would like to see in your community, as part of an update to the vision of Reunion.

Your responses to the survey are confidential. Responses will be tracked and reported only in aggregate and will not be linked with your name or any other identifying information. You should feel free to share candid feedback and ideas.

This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

As a thank you for completing the survey, we are giving away five $100 grocery gift cards. To be eligible for the drawing, please fill out your contact information at the end of the survey.

Thank you!

Once the survey is closed, we will analyze the community’s responses and report back general themes on the What’s Next Reunion webpage. Your responses will help inform the future vision for Reunion.

Thank you for participating in this important survey!

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